The mutton and rice here has been famous for 19 years, there is a crowd of lovers of taste, this much is consumed daily.

Deepak Kumar/dandy : You can get the taste of mutton in desi style in any corner of Bihar, but there is such a hotel in Banka, where people not only from Bihar but also from Jharkhand come to eat. Yes, we are talking about Panjwati Hotel, located near the police line, just three kilometers from the district headquarters, which needs no introduction regarding the taste of its mutton.

The taste of mutton here is amazing and will make you feel completely desi. This shop is known throughout the district for serving excellent mutton. According to the hotel owner, people from far away places come here to eat mutton. If you are also fond of mutton and want to taste its wonderful taste, then come to Panchvati Hotel in Banka. Here Deepak Singh has been continuously feeding delicious mutton and rice to the people for the last 19 years.

Feeding people delicious mutton and rice for 19 years
Hotel owner Deepak Singh said that he has been serving rice with excellent mutton for the last 19 years. He told that on an average 80 to 85 kg of mutton is sold every day. People eating mutton said that they are serving very good mutton. Deepak Singh told that he buys fresh mutton from the market daily. Whatever spices are used in this, all are prepared at home.

This is the reason why mutton tastes good and people eat it with gusto. Mutton is prepared in large quantities, hence its preparation has to be done the night before. The process of making mutton starts early in the morning. People start coming here to eat after 11 o’clock. The crowd of people eating mutton remains till 3 o’clock in the afternoon. After this there is not even any juice left in the mutton.

Daily consumption is 85 kg meat
Shopkeeper Deepak Singh told that earlier he used to wander due to unemployment and then the thought came to his mind that why not open a mutton shop. Then in 2005 he started this shop with 2 kg mutton. Gradually people’s attraction towards the shop increased and now apart from Banka, people come from other places including Deoghar, Godda of neighboring state Jharkhand.

Now 80 to 85 kg mutton is made here daily. He told that mutton is made using the normal method. Due to which the taste of mutton improves. He told that two pieces of mutton and rice are served to people for Rs 200, 3 pieces of mutton and rice for Rs 275 and 4 pieces of mutton and rice for Rs 350.

Tags: Bank News, Bihar News, food 18, Local18, Street Food

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